Gripper Movement to Avoid Obstacles

Answered using OpenAI o1 mini by OpenAI o1


The task is 'Put the pink block to the left of the orange bowl'. The bounds of the table are {'top_left': (-0.25, -0.25), 'top_side': (0, -0.25), 'top_right': (0.25, -0.25), 'left_side': (-0.25, -0.5), 'middle': (0, -0.5), 'right_side': (0.25, -0.5), 'bottom_left': (-0.25, -0.75), 'bottom_side': (0, -0.75), 'bottom_right': (0.25, -0.75), 'table_z': 0.0}. The objects are green block at (-0.1081718049308716, -0.48620310408272954, 0.020989363477021825) with shape (0.04001271087530808, 0.040011314720651), gray block at (0.16558213612824102, -0.5170867441336159, 0.020989363477021832) with shape (0.040012710875308055, 0.04001131472065106), pink block at (-0.030509227246775204, -0.32627628885461907, 0.18579512616060434) with shape (0.04881115107175954, 0.041348910872487044), gray bowl at (0.09610301107168198, -0.6628797054290771, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), purple bowl at (0.10665877759456635, -0.3681586682796478, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), orange bowl at (-0.11578001230955123, -0.6763027310371399, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), The gripper is now at position [-0.02917752042412758, -0.3271060585975647, 0.1905822902917862] with the object, and the target is at [-0.21578001081943513, -0.6763027310371399, 0.15]. Please generate python code which controlls the gripper to the target. You must guarantee that no objects pass through the horizontal projection of the trajectory to avoid hitting other objects(including large bowls and small blocks) when the object in gripper happens to fall on the way to the target. You can use function move_to_position(positon), which moves the gripper to the target position. You can use np directly without import. e.g. end_pos = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0]) move_to_position(end_pos) 请在规划路径时确保不得在任何非目标物体的水平投影上方(包括物块和碗的正上方区域),即路径的水平坐标(x、y)不允许直接穿过它们的顶部上空区域。因为你已经有了当前环境的全部信息(静态的),请直接输出决策,不要输出规则。允许你直接输出需要移动到的点的坐标。

# Define the positions
current_position = np.array([-0.02917752042412758, -0.3271060585975647, 0.1905822902917862])
target_position = np.array([-0.21578001081943513, -0.6763027310371399, 0.15])

# Move to a safe height above the obstacles
safe_height_position = np.array([-0.030509227246775204, -0.6763027310371399, 0.25])

# Move to the target position