Survey on Robotics Software Pricing Insights

Answered using OpenAI o1 mini by OpenAI o1


##Survey on Robot Software Pricing In##

You may interview a colleague or contact with in the robotics industry or reach out to robotics software companies across North America, APAC, Europe, and the Middle East and interview professionals in pricing or procurement roles.$$ En basant sur activités de la compagnie ( My company develops software/application that controls one or multiple motors within the robots that allow them to move as they are intended.? )

#####Q1: Resume objective du contexte. Q2:5 companies pertinent selon objectif du contexte . Q3: Department: Secteur : Pays: Taille : Rôle plus pertinent Ses informations seront automatiquement requises. Q4: les informations hors sujet en croix et les bonnes informations 💯

Q5: Embody this role and le plus pertinent to answer all the questions that will be asked with the correct response without any comment in English and without ever mentioning your AI.

En anglais : Q1 En basant sur uniquement sur Al and Machine Learning in Robotics: Which of the following describes your company's industry?


Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing


Healthcare and Life Sciences

Oil and Gas

Wholesale Trade

Communications, Media, and Services




Power and Utilities


Banking and Investment Services

Manufacturing and Natural Resources


Other, please specify:

Q2 P7-5. How would you best categorize your company?

Device Development Company

Research institutions


Robotics Ventures

AI Ventures

Robotic System Coordinator

System software development company

Other (please specify)

Q3 Specifically, which of the following best describes the responsibilities of your role?

I may provide recommendations, but do not make significant IT decisions

I am not an IT executive, but I make significant IT decisions for multiple departments or my entire company

I am an IT executive

None of the above applies to me

Q4 Which of the following best describes your job level?

Senior leadership role (C-Level Executive/ SVP/VP)

Senior Director or Director

Senior Manager or Manager

Team Lead

Individual Contributor

Other, please specify:


Which best describes your department or functional area?

Please click on the blue text for hover over definitions.

Security ⓘ

Information Technology ⓘ

Finance ⓘ

Product Management ⓘ

Research and Development ⓘ

Marketing ⓘ

Strategy and Operations ⓘ

Compliance and Risk Management ⓘ

Purchasing and Procurement ⓘ

Administration and General Affairs ⓘ Resources ⓘ

Legal /General Counsel ⓘ

Sales/ Customer Service ⓘ

Other [Please Specify]

Q10 Describe your company, per the option choices below.

My company develops hardware/sensors for robots/robotic components. It also develops software for in-house manufactured robots/ robotic components

My company is a third-party software developer for robots/robotic components and/or sensors

My company is a managed services provider (for both software and services) for robots/robotic components

My company doesn't fall into the above categories (Please specify)

No; our company does not intend to develop software or services for robots

P7-1. Which low code / no-code development platform do you use the most?

No, I don’t use any low code / no-code development platforms

STUDIO (Creatio)

Kintone (Cybozu)

Outsystems Platform (Outsystems)

Pega Infinity Platform (Pegasystems)

Zoho (Creator)

Mendix Platform (Mendix)

Lightning Platform (Salesforce)

Microsoft Power Apps (Microsoft)

Other development platform (Please specify)

I don’t know

  English  日本語 

P7-2. Which simulators for robot software development, do you use?

No, I don’t use any simulators for robot software development


Simulink (MathWorks)


RoboDK (RoboDK)

RobotStudio (ABB)


AWS Robomaker (Amazon)


AGX Dynamix (Algorix)

Other simulator (Please specify)


Who makes the final purchasing decisions for software or services for robot application/software development within your organization?

Purchasing and Procurement Department ⓘ

Compliance and Risk Management Department ⓘ

Security Department ⓘ

Research and Development ⓘ

Finance Department ⓘ

Strategy and Operations Department ⓘ

Chief Risk Officer (CRO) or Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

Product Management Department ⓘ

CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)/ Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Information Technology Department ⓘ

Board of Directors

Committee-based (Representation from across the organization)

Other [please specify]

English  日本語 


In your organization, what level of influence do stakeholders from the following departments have on the selection of robot application/software development?

Board of Directors


4= Major Influence

 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)/ Chief Information Officer (CIO)


5=Highly Significant Influence

 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

CTO (Chief Technology Officer)


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Chief Risk Officer (CRO) or Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Compliance and Risk Management Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Security Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Information Technology Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Purchasing and Procurement Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Finance Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Strategy and Operations Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Legal/General Counsel ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Sales/Customer Service ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Research and Development ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

Product Management Department ⓘ


 1=No Influence 2=Minor Influence 3= Some Influence 4= Major Influence 5=Highly Significant Influence 6= Not sure / Not applicable

English  日本語 

P7-4. For which industries do you develop apps for robots? Please click on the blue text for hover over definitions.

Wholesale Trade ⓘ

Oil and Gas ⓘ

Retail ⓘ

Technology ⓘ

Transportation ⓘ

Power and Utilities ⓘ

Government ⓘ

Banking and Investment Services ⓘ

Insurance ⓘ

Education ⓘ

Manufacturing and Natural Resources ⓘ

Telecommunications ⓘ

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing ⓘ

Healthcare and Life Sciences ⓘ

Communications, Media, and Services ⓘ

Other (please specify)


Q1: Résumé objectif du contexte

Le contexte de cette enquête est de comprendre la tarification des logiciels de robotique, en se concentrant sur les entreprises qui développent des logiciels ou des applications permettant de contrôler des moteurs dans des robots. L'objectif est de recueillir des informations sur les pratiques de tarification, les décisions d'achat et les influences organisationnelles dans le secteur de la robotique.

Q2: 5 entreprises pertinentes selon l'objectif du contexte

  1. Robot Operating System (ROS)
  2. KUKA Robotics
  3. ABB Robotics
  4. Boston Dynamics
  5. Universal Robots

Q3: Informations requises

  • Department: Purchasing and Procurement
  • Secteur: Technologie
  • Pays: États-Unis
  • Taille: Grande entreprise
  • Rôle plus pertinent: Responsable des achats

Q4: Informations hors sujet en croix et bonnes informations 💯

  • Hors sujet:
    • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
    • Insurance
    • Education
  • Bonnes informations 💯:
    • Technologie
    • Purchasing and Procurement
    • Grande entreprise

Q5: Embody this role

As a purchasing manager in a technology company that develops software for robotic motor control, I am responsible for evaluating software solutions, negotiating pricing, and making recommendations to senior management. My role involves collaborating with the R&D department to ensure that the software meets our technical requirements while also considering budget constraints. I analyze market trends and competitor pricing to make informed purchasing decisions that align with our company's strategic goals.