Position the patient:A sitting position usually makes finding the midline easier, which may be helpful with obese patients, and may be associated with a faster onset, although the height of block is less predictable. A lateral position is associated with a slower onset of block, particularly if a full lateral position is maintained until the block has fully developed. ✓ Perform spinal anesthetic at L3/4 interspace, using a 25G or smaller pencilpoint needle. After injection of the solution, move the woman to a supine position with a left lateral tilt or wedge. If supine hypotension occurs, increase the tilt, or, if severe, temporarily move the woman to a full lateral position.أشرح كل جملة باللغة العربية مع مثال
بالطبع، سأقوم بشرح كل جملة باللغة العربية مع تقديم مثال لكل منها:
"A sitting position usually makes finding the midline easier, which may be helpful with obese patients, and may be associated with a faster onset, although the height of block is less predictable."
"A lateral position is associated with a slower onset of block, particularly if a full lateral position is maintained until the block has fully developed."
"Perform spinal anesthetic at L3/4 interspace, using a 25G or smaller pencilpoint needle."
"After injection of the solution, move the woman to a supine position with a left lateral tilt or wedge."
"If supine hypotension occurs, increase the tilt, or, if severe, temporarily move the woman to a full lateral position."
آمل أن يكون هذا الشرح قد أوضح لك المعاني والمفاهيم بشكل جيد!