Robot Arm Movement to Target Position

Answered using OpenAI o1 mini by OpenAI o1


You are controlling a robot arm end-effector in a simulation 3d environment. 你已经把物块抓取到了,准备移动到目的地。 The end-effector is at position [-0.07444331794977188, -0.6839430332183838, 0.19014917314052582]. The target place position is [-0.05233053117990494, -0.36173564195632935, 0.15]. The environment state is as follows: {'object_positions': {'purple block': (-0.07282196651123851, -0.6829510731421375, 0.18825179438366219), 'blue block': (-0.058601880025549974, -0.4944146895675348, 0.020989363476375755), 'red block': (-0.2426677200255497, -0.30453827956753515, 0.020989363476375755), 'green block': (0.14639319997445036, -0.6618689095675336, 0.020989363476375755), 'brown bowl': (-0.05233053, -0.36173564, 0.02), 'gray bowl': (-0.24443657, -0.5875852, 0.02), 'pink bowl': (0.1323621, -0.30617195, 0.02), 'cyan bowl': (0.13184128, -0.46588635, 0.02)}}. Generate Python code to move the robot arm end-effector to the target place position, following the task description. You can use 'movep(position)', 'get_ee_pos()', and 'step_sim_and_render()'. you can use np directly without import numpy as np 物块的体积是0.04x0.04x0.04 Task Description: 请让你的移动路径避开每个物块和碗(除了目标碗)上方。因为你已经有了当前环境的全部信息(静态的),请直接输出决策,不要输出规则。允许你直接输出需要移动到的点的坐标。 e.g. ee_xyz = get_ee_pos() while np.linalg.norm(place_position - ee_xyz) > 0.01: final_pos = place_position.copy() movep(final_pos) step_sim_and_render() ee_xyz = get_ee_pos()

# Define the target place position
place_position = np.array([-0.05233053117990494, -0.36173564195632935, 0.15])

# Get the current end-effector position
ee_xyz = get_ee_pos()

# Move the end-effector to the target place position while avoiding obstacles
while np.linalg.norm(place_position - ee_xyz) > 0.01:
    # Calculate the next position to move towards the target while avoiding obstacles
    final_pos = place_position.copy()
    # Adjust the z-coordinate to avoid obstacles above
    final_pos[2] += 0.1  # Move up to avoid obstacles
    # Move to the adjusted position
    # Update the end-effector position
    ee_xyz = get_ee_pos()

# Now move down to the target position
final_pos[2] = place_position[2]  # Set z-coordinate to the target height