Respiratory system Pulmonary elasticity, lung and chest wall compliance, total lung capacity ( TLC ) will decrease . Although functional residual capacity (FRC) is unchanged, closing capacity (CC) rises progressively with age, and may become greater than the FRC - this occurs in the supine position at 44 years of age and in the upright position at 66 years.The end result of these changes is airways collapse, VQ mismatch and hypoxaemia.The efficiency of gas exchange is reduced, and as a result PaO2 decreases with age although PaCO2 remains constant.Atelectasis, pulmonary embolism and chest infections are all more common in elderly patients, particularly following abdominal or thoracic surgery .Early mobilisation and good analgesia following abdominal surgery help reduce lung atelectasis and collapse.شرح كل جملة في النص الى اللغة العربية مع مثال حالة طبية
بالطبع، سأقوم بشرح كل جملة في النص إلى اللغة العربية مع تقديم مثال لحالة طبية.
"Pulmonary elasticity, lung and chest wall compliance, total lung capacity (TLC) will decrease."
"Although functional residual capacity (FRC) is unchanged, closing capacity (CC) rises progressively with age, and may become greater than the FRC."
"This occurs in the supine position at 44 years of age and in the upright position at 66 years."
"The end result of these changes is airways collapse, VQ mismatch and hypoxaemia."
"The efficiency of gas exchange is reduced, and as a result PaO2 decreases with age although PaCO2 remains constant."
"Atelectasis, pulmonary embolism and chest infections are all more common in elderly patients, particularly following abdominal or thoracic surgery."
"Early mobilisation and good analgesia following abdominal surgery help reduce lung atelectasis and collapse."
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