This study adopts a quantitative, cross-sectional design using a structured online survey to collect first-hand data on the entrepreneurial trajectories of migrant women in Spain. The survey is informed by an intersectional and spatial approach, grounded in the understanding that gender, race, class, and migratory status intersect and are shaped within specific territorial and institutional contexts. Drawing on Doreen Massey’s theory of space as relational and dynamic and Henri Lefebvre’s concept of space as socially produced, the study explores how migrant women not only navigate but also reshape unequal entrepreneurial ecosystems through their economic and social practices. Set within the current social context of contemporary Spanish society, the research aims to identify and quantify the effects of structural barriers, institutional dynamics, and socio-spatial inequalities on entrepreneurial outcomes and well-being, while also capturing resilience strategies and the role of community-based support. The survey consists of six core sections: demographic and socioeconomic profile; entrepreneurial activity and business characteristics; structural barriers and intersectionality; resilience strategies and support networks; psychosocial impact and quality of life; and institutional and policy engagement. The variable framework is structured around seven key dimensions: (1) Individual Factors, such as demographic characteristics, migration pathways, self-perceptions, and entrepreneurial motivations—particularly distinguishing between necessity- and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship; (2) Perceptions and Attitudes toward Entrepreneurship, including societal perceptions of entrepreneurship, its viability as a career path, levels of public recognition, and the influence of media representations; (3) Entrepreneurial Activity, comprising the stage of business development (nascent, new, established, discontinued) and key performance indicators such as income growth, innovation, internationalization, client base, and job creation; (4) Structural Factors, including access to financing and credit, bureaucratic barriers, legal and administrative burdens, exposure to discrimination, and the informality or precarity of business operations; (5) Intersectionality Factors, such as ethnic background, legal status, gender-based discrimination, care responsibilities, language proficiency, the strength of social and business networks, and the recognition or non-recognition of qualifications and prior experience; (6) Spatial Factors, encompassing business location, levels of economic segregation, geographic isolation, mobility, digital inclusion, and access to entrepreneurial infrastructure (e.g., transport, coworking spaces, internet connectivity); and (7) Institutional Factors, including participation in entrepreneurship support programs, engagement with public policies, awareness of available resources, and the degree of institutional inclusion or exclusion perceived by participants. The target population includes migrant women residing in Spain who are currently engaged in entrepreneurial activity, regardless of legal status, origin, or business sector. As a significant segment of the population, their experiences offer valuable insight into broader questions of integration, economic autonomy, and institutional inclusion. A stratified sampling strategy will be applied to ensure diversity in geographic distribution (urban/rural, autonomous communities), regional economic sectors (hospitality, care, services, retail), and migrant profiles (Latin American, African, Asian, Eastern European). The survey will be disseminated online through entrepreneurship networks, NGOs, social media, and community organizations. A minimum of 400 responses will be collected and weighted to adjust for underrepresented subgroups. Participation will be anonymous and voluntary, with informed consent and full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Ethical approval will be obtained prior to data collection to ensure the protection of participants and the responsible use of data. To ensure robust and multidimensional measurement, the study will integrate validated indices adapted to the Spanish and European context, including the Total Entrepreneurial Activity Index (TEA), Life Cycle Stages (LCS), Entrepreneurial Activity Index (EAI), Labor Well-being Index and Work-Life Balance Index (EWCS), Job Autonomy and Control Index (EWCS), Gender Equality Index (EIGE), Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), Social Capital Index (SCI), and Economic Opportunity Index (EOI). These indicators will support intersectional analysis and allow disaggregation of results by gender, ethnicity, legal status, and regional context. Descriptive statistics (frequencies, means, standard deviations) will be used to profile the sample and explore key dimensions of entrepreneurial activity and well-being. A Linear Mixed Model (LMM) will be applied to assess how both individual-level and territorial-level variables influence entrepreneurial success. The multilevel structure includes two levels: Level 1 accounts for individual characteristics and experiences (e.g., motivations, intersectional barriers, well-being indicators), while Level 2 captures structural and spatial contexts (e.g., urban-rural differences, regional infrastructure, degree of spatial segregation, presence of support programs). To optimize model precision and reduce potential loss of information, both dependent and independent variables will be transformed or operationalized as numeric scales whenever methodologically appropriate. This facilitates more nuanced statistical interpretation and maximizes the explanatory capacity of the multilevel model, consistent with the study’s intersectional and territorial lens.This analytic approach reflects the relational nature of space and aligns with the study’s commitment to territorialized and intersectional analysis. Assumptions of linearity, independence, normality, and homoscedasticity will be tested using residual diagnostics, the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the Breusch-Pagan test. Factor analysis will help identify latent patterns among barriers and support mechanisms. Additionally, geospatial analysis (GIS mapping) will visualize territorial disparities, comparing business density between migrant and non-migrant entrepreneurs, infrastructure access, levels of economic segregation, and urban–rural contrasts. GIS outputs will inform evidence-based and spatially sensitive policy recommendations. To ensure reliability and robustness, composite indices will undergo internal consistency testing (Cronbach’s Alpha), confirmatory factor analysis, and diagnostic testing for normality and heteroscedasticity. The project will be implemented over a 12-month period, structured into clearly defined stages: Months 1–2 will focus on the literature review, theoretical framework, and adaptation of measurement tools. Months 2–3 will include survey design, pilot testing, and submission for ethical approval and GDPR compliance. In Months 3–4, the sampling strategy and outreach plan will be finalized. Data collection will occur during Months 4–6, followed by data cleaning and preprocessing in Months 6–7. Statistical and spatial analysis (LMM, factor analysis, GIS) will be conducted between Months 7 and 10. Interpretation of results, final report drafting, policy recommendation development, and dissemination activities will take place from Months 10 to 12. This timeline ensures the coherent integration of intersectional theory, spatial analysis, and methodological rigor, producing original, actionable, and context-specific knowledge to support inclusive entrepreneurship policies for migrant women in Spain. necesito que mejores todo lo que he escrito desde un punto de vista metodológico que sea robusto, innovadora y coherente es para una convocatoria de flash caixa que seleccionan a las mejoras propuesta cuantitativas de estudios de campo, el jurado son académicos internacional
Para mejorar la propuesta metodológica de tu estudio sobre las trayectorias empresariales de mujeres migrantes en España, es fundamental enfatizar la robustez, la innovación y la coherencia en el diseño y la ejecución del proyecto. A continuación, se presenta una versión revisada que incorpora estos elementos:
Título del Proyecto: Exploración de las Trayectorias Empresariales de Mujeres Migrantes en España: Un Enfoque Cuantitativo e Interseccional
Resumen Metodológico:
Este estudio adopta un diseño cuantitativo y transversal, utilizando una encuesta estructurada en línea para recopilar datos de primera mano sobre las trayectorias empresariales de mujeres migrantes en España. La encuesta se fundamenta en un enfoque interseccional y espacial, reconociendo que el género, la raza, la clase y el estatus migratorio se entrelazan y se configuran dentro de contextos territoriales e institucionales específicos. Basándose en la teoría de espacio relacional y dinámico de Doreen Massey y el concepto de espacio socialmente producido de Henri Lefebvre, el estudio investiga cómo las mujeres migrantes no solo navegan, sino que también transforman ecosistemas empresariales desiguales a través de sus prácticas económicas y sociales.
Objetivos del Estudio:
El objetivo principal es identificar y cuantificar los efectos de las barreras estructurales, las dinámicas institucionales y las desigualdades socioespaciales en los resultados empresariales y el bienestar de las mujeres migrantes, al tiempo que se capturan las estrategias de resiliencia y el papel del apoyo comunitario.
Estructura de la Encuesta:
La encuesta se divide en seis secciones clave:
Dimensiones del Marco de Variables:
El marco de variables se organiza en siete dimensiones clave, que permiten un análisis exhaustivo y multidimensional:
Población Objetivo y Estrategia de Muestreo:
La población objetivo incluye a mujeres migrantes en España que participan en actividades empresariales, independientemente de su estatus legal, origen o sector. Se aplicará una estrategia de muestreo estratificado para garantizar la diversidad en la distribución geográfica, sectores económicos y perfiles migratorios. La encuesta se difundirá a través de redes de emprendimiento, ONGs, redes sociales y organizaciones comunitarias, con un objetivo de al menos 400 respuestas, ajustadas para subgrupos subrepresentados.
Análisis de Datos:
Se utilizarán estadísticas descriptivas para perfilar la muestra y explorar dimensiones clave. Se aplicará un Modelo Lineal Mixto (LMM) para evaluar cómo las variables a nivel individual y territorial influyen en el éxito empresarial. Este enfoque multilevel permitirá capturar la complejidad de las interacciones entre factores individuales y contextuales. Se realizarán pruebas de supuestos de linealidad, independencia, normalidad y homocedasticidad, y se utilizará análisis factorial para identificar patrones latentes.
Innovación y Visualización Espacial:
Se integrará un análisis geoespacial (GIS) para visualizar disparidades territoriales, comparando la densidad empresarial entre emprendedores migrantes y no migrantes, así como el acceso a infraestructura. Los resultados GIS informarán recomendaciones políticas basadas en evidencia y sensibles al espacio.
Cronograma del Proyecto:
El proyecto se implementará en un período de 12 meses, estructurado en etapas claramente definidas:
Este cronograma asegura la integración coherente de la teoría interseccional, el análisis espacial y el rigor metodológico, produciendo conocimiento original, aplicable y específico al contexto para apoyar políticas de emprendimiento inclusivas para mujeres migrantes en España.
Esta versión revisada enfatiza la robustez y la innovación del enfoque metodológico, asegurando que se aborden las complejidades de la interseccionalidad y el contexto territorial de manera coherente y rigurosa.