The task is 'Put the pink block to the left of the orange bowl'. The bounds of the table are {'top_left': (-0.25, -0.25), 'top_side': (0, -0.25), 'top_right': (0.25, -0.25), 'left_side': (-0.25, -0.5), 'middle': (0, -0.5), 'right_side': (0.25, -0.5), 'bottom_left': (-0.25, -0.75), 'bottom_side': (0, -0.75), 'bottom_right': (0.25, -0.75), 'table_z': 0.0}. The objects are green block at (-0.10817016417870226, -0.48623033891821466, 0.020989363355711305) with shape (0.04000309709932032, 0.04000170112946533), gray block at (0.1655837768804102, -0.5171139789691015, 0.0209893633557113) with shape (0.04000309709932032, 0.04000170112946533), pink block at (-0.027721614937874728, -0.32434477935934625, 0.0209893633557113) with shape (0.04000309709932032, 0.04000170112946533), gray bowl at (0.09610301107168198, -0.6628797054290771, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), purple bowl at (0.10665877759456635, -0.3681586682796478, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), orange bowl at (-0.11578001230955123, -0.6763027310371399, 0.02) with shape (0.12325250505656005, 0.12599499858170748), The normal routine is: first move the gripper to the hover position with height 0.2 over the pick_pos(-0.027721615508198738,-0.32434478402137756), then move the gripper to the pick position, then activate the gripper to pick up the object, then move the gripper back to the hover position, then move the gripper on top of the target positon with height 0.15 over the place_pos(-0.21578001081943513,-0.6763027310371399), then move to the place position with height 0.03, then release the object, and finally move the gripper back to the hover position. There is a problems: you must guarantee that no other objects pass through the horizontal projection of the trajectory to avoid hitting other objects(including large bowls and small blocks) when the object in gripper happens to fall on the way to the target. Please generate python code which controlls the gripper to finish the task. You can use initialized variables pick_xyz, place_xyz to represent the positions and only predefined functions. You can use function move_to_position(positon), which moves the gripper to the target position. You can use get_obj_pos(obj_name) to get the current position of obj, such as get_obj_pos('pink block'). Before picking up a object, you should use this function to get it's real-time position. You can use activate() to activate the gripper(pads will close) and release() to release the object(pads will separate). You should also use step_sim_and_render() to step the simulation and render the scene after activate and release functions. And you must release before activating except the first time. You should use np directly without import. e.g. hover_xyz = np.float32([pick_pos[0], pick_pos[1], 0.2])
activate() for _ in range(240): step_sim_and_render()
place_xyz[2] = 0.03 move_to_position(place_xyz)
release() for _ in range(240): step_sim_and_render()
Here's the Python code to control the gripper to complete the task of moving the pink block to the left of the orange bowl while ensuring that no other objects are in the way:
# Get the current position of the pink block and the orange bowl
pink_block_pos = get_obj_pos('pink block')
orange_bowl_pos = get_obj_pos('orange bowl')
# Define the pick and place positions
pick_xyz = np.float32([pink_block_pos[0], pink_block_pos[1], pink_block_pos[2]])
place_xyz = np.float32([-0.21578001081943513, -0.6763027310371399, 0.02]) # Left of the orange bowl
# Define the hover position above the pick position
hover_xyz = np.float32([pick_xyz[0], pick_xyz[1], 0.2])
# Move to hover position above the pink block
# Move to the pick position
# Pick up the pink block
for _ in range(240):
# Move back to the hover position
# Move to the place position above the target location
hover_xyz[2] = 0.15 # Adjust height for placing
# Move to the place position with a lower height
place_xyz[2] = 0.03 # Adjust height for placing
# Release the pink block
for _ in range(240):
# Move back to the hover position after placing
This code ensures that the pink block is moved to the desired location while avoiding collisions with other objects.