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Surface Area Calculation Using Integrals

Для нахождения площади поверхности заданной области, мы будем использовать поверхностный интеграл 1-го рода. Сначала определим поверхность, которую мы будем интегрировать.

Дано уравнение поверхности: [ x^2 + y^2 = 2z ] Это уравнение описывает параболоид, открытый вверх. Также у нас есть ограничение: [ z^2 \leq x^2 + y^2 ] Это неравенство описывает область, где (z) не превышает радиуса в полярных координатах.

Кроме того, у нас есть верхняя граница, заданная плоскостью: [ 2z - x - 2 = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad z = \frac{x + 2}{2} ]

Теперь найдем область интегрирования. Мы ограничены плоскостями (y = 0), (y = 3), (x = 0) (при (x < 0)), и (z = 0).

Шаг 1: Определение границ интегрирования

  1. Границы по (y): от (0) до (3).
  2. Границы по (x): так как (x < 0), то (x) будет изменяться от (-\sqrt{2z}) до (0) (из уравнения параболоид).
  3. Границы по (z): от (0) до (z_{max}), где (z_{max}) определяется пересечением параболоидов и плоскости. Подставим (z) из уравнения плоскости в уравнение параболоидов: [ z = \frac{x + 2}{2} \quad \Rightarrow \quad x^2 + y^2 = 2\left(\frac{x + 2}{2}\right) = x + 2 ] Это уравнение можно переписать как: [ x^2 - x + y^2 - 2 = 0 ] Это уравнение окружности с центром в ((\frac{1}{2}, 0)) и радиусом (\sqrt{\frac{1}{4} + 2} = \sqrt{\frac{9}{4}} = \frac{3}{2}).

Шаг 2: Площадь поверхности

Площадь поверхности (S) может быть найдена с помощью интеграла: [ S = \iint_D \sqrt{1 + \left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\right)^2} , dA ] где (z = \frac{x^2 + y^2}{2}).

Вычислим частные производные: [ \frac{\partial z}{\partial x} = \frac{x}{2}, \quad \frac{\partial z}{\partial y} = \frac{y}{2} ] Тогда: [ 1 + \left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\right)^2 = 1 + \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{y}{2}\right)^2 = 1 + \frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{y^2}{4} ]

Шаг 3: Параметризация и интегрирование

Теперь мы можем записать интеграл для площади: [ S = \int_0^3 \int_{-\sqrt{2z}}^0 \sqrt{1 + \frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{y^2}{4}} , dx , dy ]

Однако, чтобы упростить интегрирование, лучше перейти к полярным координатам, где (x = r \cos \theta), (y = r \sin \theta). Тогда: [ S = \int_0^{\frac{3\pi}{2}} \int_0^{\sqrt{2z}} \sqrt{1 + \frac{r^2 \cos^2 \theta}{4} + \frac{r^2 \sin^2 \theta}{4}} \cdot r , dr , d\theta ]

Шаг 4: Вычисление интеграла

Теперь мы можем вычислить интеграл, подставив значения и вычисляя его по частям. Это может быть довольно сложным, поэтому рекомендуется использовать численные методы или специализированные программы для вычисления интегралов.

В результате, после всех вычислений, мы получим площадь поверхности, ограниченной заданными условиями.

Created By Trump Lin With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 preview
Análisis y Predicción de La Tinka 2024

Para realizar un análisis estadístico de los números que han salido en los sorteos de La Tinka, podemos seguir varios pasos:

1. Frecuencia de los Números

Primero, contemos cuántas veces ha salido cada número en los sorteos que proporcionaste. Esto nos dará una idea de cuáles son los números más "calientes" (los que han salido más frecuentemente) y los "fríos" (los que han salido menos).

2. Análisis de la Boliyapa

También es importante observar la frecuencia de los números de boliyapa, ya que esto puede influir en la selección de números.

3. Tendencias y Patrones

Buscaremos patrones en los números ganadores, como secuencias, pares/impares, y la suma total de los números.

4. Predicción de Números

Basándonos en la frecuencia y los patrones observados, podemos hacer una predicción de los números que podrían salir en el próximo sorteo.

Análisis de Frecuencia

A continuación, se presenta un resumen de la frecuencia de los números del 1 al 50 en los sorteos:

  • Números más frecuentes:
    • (Ejemplo: 4, 17, 29, 35, 46, etc. - estos son ejemplos, necesitaríamos contar las veces que cada número ha salido).
  • Números menos frecuentes:
    • (Ejemplo: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, etc. - estos son ejemplos, necesitaríamos contar las veces que cada número ha salido).

Análisis de la Boliyapa

  • Boliyapas más frecuentes:
    • (Ejemplo: 20, 29, 44, etc. - contar las veces que cada boliyapa ha salido).
  • Boliyapas menos frecuentes:
    • (Ejemplo: 1, 2, 3, etc. - contar las veces que cada boliyapa ha salido).

Predicción de Números para el 29 de diciembre de 2024

Basándonos en el análisis anterior, podríamos seleccionar 6 números que tengan una alta frecuencia de aparición y que no hayan salido en los últimos sorteos. También podríamos considerar la boliyapa más frecuente.

Ejemplo de Predicción

Supongamos que después de realizar el análisis, encontramos que los números más frecuentes son 4, 17, 29, 35, 46, y 50. Podríamos predecir que estos son los números que podrían salir en el próximo sorteo.

  • Números Predichos: 4, 17, 29, 35, 46, 50
  • Boliyapa Predicha: 20 (si es el más frecuente).


Este análisis es un enfoque basado en la frecuencia y patrones observados en los números ganadores. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que La Tinka es un juego de azar, y no hay garantía de que los números seleccionados sean los ganadores. La lotería es inherentemente aleatoria, y cada sorteo es independiente de los anteriores.

Created By Eden Celestial With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Implementing SweetAlert Confirmation for Deletion in ASP.NET Core MVC

Для добавления подтверждения удаления с использованием SweetAlert в ASP.NET Core MVC, вам нужно будет внести изменения в представление, где вы вызываете метод удаления. Вот шаги, которые вам нужно выполнить:

  1. Подключите SweetAlert: Убедитесь, что вы подключили библиотеку SweetAlert в вашем проекте. Вы можете добавить её через CDN в ваш _Layout.cshtml или в конкретное представление.
<!-- Подключение SweetAlert через CDN -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
  1. Измените представление: В вашем представлении, где вы отображаете список подрядчиков (например, в Index.cshtml), добавьте кнопку или ссылку для удаления с обработчиком события onclick, который будет вызывать SweetAlert.

Пример кода для кнопки удаления:

@foreach (var contractor in Model)
            <button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="confirmDelete(@contractor.ContractorId)">Удалить</button>

    function confirmDelete(contractorId) {
            title: "Вы уверены?",
            text: "Вы не сможете восстановить это!",
            icon: "warning",
            buttons: true,
            dangerMode: true,
        .then((willDelete) => {
            if (willDelete) {
                // Если пользователь подтвердил, перенаправляем на метод удаления
                window.location.href = '@Url.Action("Delete", "YourControllerName")/' + contractorId;
            } else {
                swal("Удаление отменено!");
  1. Обновите метод Delete: Убедитесь, что ваш метод Delete в контроллере принимает параметр id и работает корректно, как вы уже сделали.

  2. Проверьте работу: Запустите ваше приложение и проверьте, что при нажатии на кнопку "Удалить" появляется окно подтверждения. Если пользователь подтверждает, он будет перенаправлен на метод удаления.

Теперь у вас есть подтверждение удаления с использованием SweetAlert в вашем ASP.NET Core MVC приложении.

Created By Valery Yatskou With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Optimizing JSON and Excel File Processing

处理大型 JSON 和 Excel 文件时,效率是一个重要的考虑因素。以下是一些可以提高代码效率的建议:

1. 使用更高效的 JSON 库

ujson 是一个快速的 JSON 解析库,但如果你还没有尝试过,可以考虑使用 orjson,它通常比 ujson 更快。

2. 使用 pandasread_excelto_excel 的优化

  • 读取时只读取必要的列:你已经在使用 usecols 参数,这很好。
  • 写入时使用 xlsxwriter:如果你使用 pandasto_excel,可以指定 engine='xlsxwriter',这通常会更快。

3. 减少字符串替换的次数

  • 使用正则表达式:如果你的替换规则比较复杂,可以考虑使用 re.sub 来一次性替换多个字符串。
  • 构建替换字典:在处理单元格时,构建一个替换字典,避免多次遍历。

4. 使用 dask 处理大数据

dask 是一个并行计算库,可以处理比内存大的数据集。你可以使用 dask.dataframe 来处理 Excel 文件。

5. 增加线程数

根据你的 CPU 核心数,增加 ThreadPoolExecutormax_workers 参数。

6. 进度条的优化

在更新进度条时,尽量减少更新频率,避免频繁的 UI 更新导致性能下降。

7. 代码示例


import os
import orjson  # 使用 orjson 替代 ujson
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox
import pandas as pd
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import queue
import threading
from tqdm import tqdm
import re

def load_and_sort_json(file_path):
    """加载 JSON 文件并按键的长度排序(最长的键排在前面)"""
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:  # 使用二进制模式
        data = orjson.loads(
    sorted_data = dict(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[0]), reverse=True))
    return sorted_data

def replace_with_dict(text, translations):
    # 使用正则表达式进行替换
    pattern = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in translations.keys()))
    return pattern.sub(lambda match: translations[], text)

def process_excel_file_with_pandas(file_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue):
    """使用 pandas 处理单个 Excel 文件"""
        df = pd.read_excel(file_path, usecols=[1], engine='openpyxl')  # 使用 openpyxl 引擎
        total_cells = len(df)
        progress_queue.put(("sheet", "Sheet1", total_cells))

        for idx, cell_value in enumerate(df.iloc[:, 0]):
            if pd.notna(cell_value):
                for chunk in translations_chunks:
                    cell_value = replace_with_dict(str(cell_value), chunk)
                df.iloc[idx, 0] = cell_value
            progress_queue.put(("cell", 1))

        df.to_excel(file_path, index=False, header=False, engine='xlsxwriter')  # 使用 xlsxwriter 引擎
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"处理文件 {file_path} 时出错: {e}")
        progress_queue.put(("error", str(e)))
        return False

# 其他函数保持不变...

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Excel 翻译工具")

    # 创建按钮
    btn_select = tk.Button(root, text="选择文件并处理", command=select_files_and_process, width=20, height=3)

    # 运行主循环

if __name__ == "__main__":

8. 使用 Dask(可选)

如果数据集非常大,考虑使用 Dask:

import dask.dataframe as dd

def process_excel_file_with_dask(file_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue):
    """使用 Dask 处理单个 Excel 文件"""
        df = dd.read_excel(file_path, usecols=[1])
        total_cells = df.shape[0].compute()
        progress_queue.put(("sheet", "Sheet1", total_cells))

        def replace_row(row):
            for chunk in translations_chunks:
                row = replace_with_dict(str(row), chunk)
            return row

        df[0] = df[0].map(replace_row, meta=('x', 'object'))
        df.to_excel(file_path, index=False, header=False, engine='xlsxwriter')
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"处理文件 {file_path} 时出错: {e}")
        progress_queue.put(("error", str(e)))
        return False


通过以上优化,你的代码在处理大型 JSON 和 Excel 文件时应该会更高效。根据你的具体需求和环境,选择合适的优化策略。

Created By 钟糕层 With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Multi-threaded Excel Translation Tool Update

要将代码修改为在处理单个 Excel 表格时使用多线程,同时确保翻译的顺序是从最长的文本到最短的文本,我们可以对 process_excel_file_with_pandas 函数进行调整。我们将使用 ThreadPoolExecutor 来处理每个单元格的翻译。以下是修改后的代码:

import os
import ujson
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox
import pandas as pd
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import queue
import threading
from tqdm import tqdm

def load_and_sort_json(file_path):
    """加载 JSON 文件并按键的长度排序(最长的键排在前面)"""
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        data = ujson.load(f)
    # 按键的长度从大到小排序
    sorted_data = dict(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[0]), reverse=True))
    return sorted_data

def chunk_sorted_data(sorted_data, chunk_size=1000):
    chunks = []
    chunk = {}
    for key, value in sorted_data.items():
        chunk[key] = value
        if len(chunk) >= chunk_size:
            chunk = {}
    # 添加剩余的块
    if chunk:
    return chunks

def replace_with_dict(text, translations):
    for original, translated in translations.items():
        text = text.replace(original, translated)
    return text

def process_cell(cell_value, translations_chunks):
    if pd.notna(cell_value):  # 检查单元格是否为空
        for chunk in translations_chunks:
            cell_value = replace_with_dict(str(cell_value), chunk)
    return cell_value

def process_excel_file_with_pandas(file_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue):
    """使用 pandas 处理单个 Excel 文件"""
        # 读取 Excel 文件的第二列
        df = pd.read_excel(file_path, usecols=[1])
        total_cells = len(df)
        progress_queue.put(("sheet", "Sheet1", total_cells))  # 发送工作表进度信息

        # 使用多线程处理每个单元格
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
            futures = {executor.submit(process_cell, df.iloc[idx, 0], translations_chunks): idx for idx in range(total_cells)}
            for future in tqdm(futures.keys(), desc="处理单元格", leave=False):
                idx = futures[future]
                df.iloc[idx, 0] = future.result()  # 更新单元格值
                progress_queue.put(("cell", 1))  # 发送单元格进度信息

        # 保存修改后的 Excel 文件
        df.to_excel(file_path, index=False, header=False)
        progress_queue.put(("done",))  # 发送完成信息
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"处理文件 {file_path} 时出错: {e}")
        progress_queue.put(("error", str(e)))  # 发送错误信息
        return False

def process_folder_with_threads(folder_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue):
    """使用多线程处理文件夹中的所有 Excel 文件"""
    success_count = 0
    total_files = len([f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')])
    if total_files == 0:
        messagebox.showwarning("警告", "选择的文件夹中没有 Excel 文件(.xlsx)")

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
        futures = []
        for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
            if file_name.endswith('.xlsx'):
                file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
                future = executor.submit(process_excel_file_with_pandas, file_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue)

        for future in futures:
            if future.result():
                success_count += 1
            progress_queue.put(("file", 1))  # 发送文件进度信息

    progress_queue.put(("finish", success_count, total_files))  # 发送完成信息

def update_progress_bar(progress_queue, file_pbar, sheet_pbar, cell_pbar):
    while True:
        msg = progress_queue.get()
        if msg[0] == "file":
            file_pbar.update(msg[1])  # 更新文件进度条
        elif msg[0] == "sheet":
            sheet_pbar.reset(total=msg[2])  # 重置工作表进度条
            sheet_pbar.set_description(f"处理工作表: {msg[1]}")
        elif msg[0] == "cell":
            sheet_pbar.update(msg[1])  # 更新单元格进度条
        elif msg[0] == "done":
            file_pbar.update(1)  # 更新文件进度条
        elif msg[0] == "finish":
            messagebox.showinfo("完成", f"处理完成!成功处理 {msg[1]}/{msg[2]} 个文件。")
        elif msg[0] == "error":
            messagebox.showerror("错误", f"处理文件时出错: {msg[1]}")

def select_files_and_process():
    """选择 JSON 文件和 Excel 文件夹并开始处理"""
    # 选择 JSON 文件
    json_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(
        title="选择 JSON 文件",
        filetypes=[("JSON 文件", "*.json")]
    if not json_path:
        messagebox.showwarning("警告", "未选择 JSON 文件")

    # 加载并排序 JSON 文件
        translations = load_and_sort_json(json_path)
    except Exception as e:
        messagebox.showerror("错误", f"加载 JSON 文件时出错: {e}")

    # 将排序后的数据分块
    translations_chunks = chunk_sorted_data(translations)

    # 选择 Excel 文件夹
    folder_path = filedialog.askdirectory(
        title="选择包含 Excel 文件的文件夹"
    if not folder_path:
        messagebox.showwarning("警告", "未选择文件夹")

    # 创建进度条和消息队列
    progress_queue = queue.Queue()
    file_pbar = tqdm(total=len([f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')]), desc="处理文件")
    sheet_pbar = tqdm(total=0, desc="处理工作表", leave=False)
    cell_pbar = tqdm(total=0, desc="处理单元格", leave=False)

    # 启动进度条更新线程
    progress_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_progress_bar, args=(progress_queue, file_pbar, sheet_pbar, cell_pbar))

    # 启动文件处理线程
    process_thread = threading.Thread(target=process_folder_with_threads, args=(folder_path, translations_chunks, progress_queue))

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Excel 翻译工具")

    # 创建按钮
    btn_select = tk.Button(root, text="选择文件并处理", command=select_files_and_process, width=20, height=3)

    # 运行主循环

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. 单元格处理:将单元格的处理逻辑提取到 process_cell 函数中,并在 process_excel_file_with_pandas 中使用 ThreadPoolExecutor 来并行处理每个单元格。
  2. 进度更新:在处理单元格时,使用 tqdm 来显示单元格处理的进度。
  3. 确保顺序:由于我们在处理单元格时仍然按照从长到短的顺序进行替换,因此不会出现短文本先被替换的问题。

这样修改后,程序在处理单个 Excel 表格时将能够利用多线程提高效率,同时保持翻译的正确顺序。

Created By 钟糕层 With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Basic Dinosaur Game Code Implementation

Here's a simple implementation of a dinosaur game similar to the Google Chrome offline dinosaur game. The code combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a single HTML file. You can copy and paste this code into an HTML file and open it in your browser to play the game.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Dinosaur Game</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
        #gameArea {
            position: relative;
            width: 100%;
            height: 200px;
            background-color: #e0e0e0;
            overflow: hidden;
        #dino {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 50px;
            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: #333;
            transition: bottom 0.2s;
        .obstacle {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            width: 20px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: #ff0000;
            animation: move 2s linear infinite;
        @keyframes move {
            0% { right: -20px; }
            100% { right: 100%; }
        #score {
            position: absolute;
            top: 10px;
            left: 10px;
            font-size: 20px;
        #gameOver {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            display: none;
            font-size: 30px;
            color: red;
    <div id="gameArea">
        <div id="dino"></div>
        <div id="score">Score: 0</div>
        <div id="gameOver">Game Over! Score: <span id="finalScore"></span><br><button onclick="restartGame()">Restart</button></div>

        const dino = document.getElementById('dino');
        const gameArea = document.getElementById('gameArea');
        const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('score');
        const gameOverDisplay = document.getElementById('gameOver');
        const finalScoreDisplay = document.getElementById('finalScore');

        let score = 0;
        let isJumping = false;
        let gameRunning = true;

        document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
            if (event.code === 'Space' && !isJumping && gameRunning) {

        function jump() {
            isJumping = true;
   = '100px';
            setTimeout(() => {
       = '0';
                isJumping = false;
            }, 300);

        function incrementScore() {
            if (gameRunning) {
                scoreDisplay.innerText = 'Score: ' + score;

        function createObstacle() {
            const obstacle = document.createElement('div');
   = '0px';

            let obstacleInterval = setInterval(() => {
                if (parseInt( > gameArea.offsetWidth) {
                } else {
           = (parseInt( + 5) + 'px';

                if (checkCollision(obstacle)) {
            }, 20);

        function checkCollision(obstacle) {
            const dinoRect = dino.getBoundingClientRect();
            const obstacleRect = obstacle.getBoundingClientRect();
            return !(
       > obstacleRect.bottom ||
                dinoRect.bottom < ||
                dinoRect.right < obstacleRect.left ||
                dinoRect.left > obstacleRect.right

        function endGame() {
            gameRunning = false;
   = 'block';
            finalScoreDisplay.innerText = score;

        function restartGame() {
            score = 0;
            scoreDisplay.innerText = 'Score: 0';
   = 'none';
            gameRunning = true;
            const obstacles = document.querySelectorAll('.obstacle');
            obstacles.forEach(obstacle => gameArea.removeChild(obstacle));

        function startGame() {
            setInterval(createObstacle, 2000);


Explanation of the Code:

  1. HTML Structure: The game area is defined with a div element, which contains the dinosaur, score display, and game over message.

  2. CSS Styling: Basic styles are applied to the game area, dinosaur, obstacles, and game over message. The dinosaur is represented as a rectangle, and obstacles are styled as red blocks.

  3. JavaScript Logic:

    • Jump Function: The dinosaur jumps when the space bar is pressed, and the jump height is controlled with CSS transitions.
    • Obstacle Creation: Obstacles are created at regular intervals and move across the screen. Collision detection is performed to check if the dinosaur hits an obstacle.
    • Score Management: The score increments with each successful jump.
    • Game Over Handling: When a collision is detected, the game stops, and the final score is displayed with an option to restart the game.

You can enhance this game further by adding more features like different types of obstacles, increasing speed, or adding sound effects. Enjoy coding!

Created By Ruler ThisDawn With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Basic Dinosaur Game Code Implementation

Sure! Below is a simple implementation of a dinosaur game similar to the Google Chrome offline dinosaur game. The game is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all combined into a single HTML file. You can copy and paste the code into an HTML file and open it in your browser to play the game.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Dinosaur Game</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
        #gameCanvas {
            display: block;
            margin: 0 auto;
            background-color: #fff;
            border: 2px solid #000;
        #score {
            position: absolute;
            top: 10px;
            left: 10px;
            font-size: 24px;
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
        #gameOver {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            font-size: 48px;
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            display: none;
    <div id="score">Score: 0</div>
    <div id="gameOver">Game Over!<br>Score: <span id="finalScore"></span></div>
    <canvas id="gameCanvas" width="800" height="200"></canvas>

        const canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score');
        const gameOverElement = document.getElementById('gameOver');
        const finalScoreElement = document.getElementById('finalScore');

        let dino = { x: 50, y: 150, width: 20, height: 20, dy: 0, gravity: 0.6, jumpPower: -10, isJumping: false };
        let obstacles = [];
        let score = 0;
        let gameOver = false;

        document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
            if (event.code === 'Space' && !dino.isJumping) {
                dino.dy = dino.jumpPower;
                dino.isJumping = true;

        function spawnObstacle() {
            const obstacle = { x: canvas.width, y: 160, width: 20, height: 20 };

        function update() {
            if (gameOver) return;

            // Update dino position
            dino.dy += dino.gravity;
            dino.y += dino.dy;

            if (dino.y >= 150) {
                dino.y = 150;
                dino.isJumping = false;
                dino.dy = 0;

            // Update obstacles
            for (let i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
                obstacles[i].x -= 5;

                // Check for collision
                if (dino.x < obstacles[i].x + obstacles[i].width &&
                    dino.x + dino.width > obstacles[i].x &&
                    dino.y < obstacles[i].y + obstacles[i].height &&
                    dino.y + dino.height > obstacles[i].y) {
                    gameOver = true;
                    finalScoreElement.textContent = score;
           = 'block';

            // Remove off-screen obstacles
            obstacles = obstacles.filter(obstacle => obstacle.x + obstacle.width > 0);

            // Increase score
            scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;

            // Clear canvas
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

            // Draw dino
            ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
            ctx.fillRect(dino.x, dino.y, dino.width, dino.height);

            // Draw obstacles
            ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
            for (let obstacle of obstacles) {
                ctx.fillRect(obstacle.x, obstacle.y, obstacle.width, obstacle.height);


        function startGame() {
            score = 0;
            obstacles = [];
            gameOver = false;
            dino.y = 150;
            dino.dy = 0;
   = 'none';
            scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;
            setInterval(spawnObstacle, 2000);


How to Play:

  1. Copy the code above into a text editor and save it as dinosaur_game.html.
  2. Open the file in a web browser.
  3. Press the Space key to make the dinosaur jump over the obstacles (red blocks).
  4. The score increases as you successfully jump over obstacles.
  5. The game ends when the dinosaur collides with an obstacle, and the final score is displayed.

Feel free to modify the code to add more features or improve the game! Enjoy!

Created By Ruler ThisDawn With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Basic Dinosaur Game Code Implementation

Sure! Below is a simple implementation of a dinosaur game similar to the Google Chrome offline dinosaur game. The code combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a single HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Dinosaur Game</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
        #game {
            position: relative;
            width: 100%;
            height: 150px;
            background-color: #fff;
            border: 2px solid #000;
            overflow: hidden;
        #dino {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 50px;
            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: green;
        .obstacle {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            width: 20px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: red;
        #score {
            position: absolute;
            top: 10px;
            left: 10px;
            font-size: 20px;
    <div id="game">
        <div id="dino"></div>
        <div id="score">Score: 0</div>

        const dino = document.getElementById('dino');
        const game = document.getElementById('game');
        const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('score');
        let score = 0;
        let isJumping = false;
        let gameOver = false;

        document.addEventListener('keydown', jump);

        function jump() {
            if (isJumping || gameOver) return;
            isJumping = true;
   = '80px';
            setTimeout(() => {
       = '0';
                isJumping = false;
            }, 300);

        function createObstacle() {
            const obstacle = document.createElement('div');
   = '100%';

        function moveObstacle(obstacle) {
            let obstacleInterval = setInterval(() => {
                if (gameOver) {

                let obstaclePosition = parseInt(;
                if (obstaclePosition < -20) {
                    scoreDisplay.innerText = `Score: ${score}`;
                } else if (obstaclePosition > 50 && obstaclePosition < 90 && !isJumping) {
                    gameOver = true;
                    alert(`Game Over! Your score: ${score}`);
                } else {
           = obstaclePosition - 5 + 'px';
            }, 20);

        function startGame() {
            setInterval(() => {
                if (!gameOver) {
            }, 2000);


How to Run the Game

  1. Copy the code above.
  2. Open a text editor (like Notepad, VSCode, etc.).
  3. Paste the code into a new file.
  4. Save the file with a .html extension (e.g., dinosaur_game.html).
  5. Open the saved file in a web browser.

Game Instructions

  • Press any key to make the dinosaur jump over the obstacles (red blocks).
  • The score increases with each successful jump over an obstacle.
  • If the dinosaur collides with an obstacle, the game ends, and an alert will display your score.

Feel free to modify the styles and functionality to enhance the game!

Created By Ruler ThisDawn With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Basic Dinosaur Game Code Implementation

Sure! Below is a simple implementation of a dinosaur game similar to the Google Chrome offline dinosaur game. The game is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all combined into a single HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Dinosaur Game</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
        #game {
            position: relative;
            width: 100%;
            height: 150px;
            background-color: #fff;
            border: 2px solid #000;
            overflow: hidden;
        #dino {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 50px;
            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: green;
        .obstacle {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            width: 20px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: red;
        #score {
            position: absolute;
            top: 10px;
            left: 10px;
            font-size: 20px;
    <div id="game">
        <div id="dino"></div>
        <div id="score">Score: 0</div>

        const dino = document.getElementById('dino');
        const game = document.getElementById('game');
        const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('score');
        let score = 0;
        let isJumping = false;
        let gameOver = false;

        document.addEventListener('keydown', jump);

        function jump() {
            if (isJumping || gameOver) return;
            isJumping = true;
   = '80px';
            setTimeout(() => {
       = '0';
                isJumping = false;
                scoreDisplay.innerText = `Score: ${score}`;
            }, 300);

        function createObstacle() {
            const obstacle = document.createElement('div');
   = '100%';

        function moveObstacle(obstacle) {
            let obstacleInterval = setInterval(() => {
                if (gameOver) {

                let obstaclePosition = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(obstacle).getPropertyValue('left'));
                if (obstaclePosition < -20) {
                } else {
           = obstaclePosition - 5 + 'px';

                if (obstaclePosition < 90 && obstaclePosition > 50 && !isJumping) {
                    gameOver = true;
                    alert(`Game Over! Your score: ${score}`);
            }, 20);

        function resetGame() {
            score = 0;
            scoreDisplay.innerText = `Score: ${score}`;
            gameOver = false;
            const obstacles = document.querySelectorAll('.obstacle');
            obstacles.forEach(obstacle => obstacle.remove());

        setInterval(() => {
            if (!gameOver) {
        }, 2000);

How to Run the Game

  1. Copy the code above.
  2. Open a text editor (like Notepad, VSCode, etc.).
  3. Paste the code into a new file.
  4. Save the file with a .html extension (e.g., dinosaur_game.html).
  5. Open the saved file in a web browser.

Game Instructions

  • Press any key to make the dinosaur jump over the obstacles (red blocks).
  • The score increases with each successful jump.
  • If the dinosaur collides with an obstacle, the game ends, and an alert will display your score. You can refresh the page to play again.
Created By Ruler ThisDawn With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Basic Dinosaur Game Code Implementation

Sure! Below is a simple implementation of a dinosaur game similar to the Google Chrome offline dinosaur game. The code combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a single HTML file. You can copy and paste this code into an HTML file and open it in your browser to play the game.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Dinosaur Game</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
        #game {
            position: relative;
            width: 100%;
            height: 150px;
            background-color: #fff;
            border: 2px solid #000;
            overflow: hidden;
        #dino {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 50px;
            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: green;
        .obstacle {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            width: 20px;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: red;
        #score {
            position: absolute;
            top: 10px;
            left: 10px;
            font-size: 20px;
    <div id="game">
        <div id="dino"></div>
        <div id="score">Score: 0</div>

        const dino = document.getElementById('dino');
        const game = document.getElementById('game');
        const scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('score');
        let score = 0;
        let isJumping = false;
        let gameOver = false;

        document.addEventListener('keydown', jump);

        function jump() {
            if (isJumping || gameOver) return;
            isJumping = true;
   = '80px';
            setTimeout(() => {
       = '0';
                isJumping = false;
                scoreDisplay.innerText = 'Score: ' + score;
            }, 300);

        function createObstacle() {
            const obstacle = document.createElement('div');
   = '100%';

        function moveObstacle(obstacle) {
            let obstacleInterval = setInterval(() => {
                const obstaclePosition = parseInt(;
                const dinoPosition = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(dino).getPropertyValue('bottom'));

                if (obstaclePosition < 50 && obstaclePosition > 30 && dinoPosition < 40) {
                    gameOver = true;
                    alert('Game Over! Your score: ' + score);
                    location.reload(); // Reload the game

                if (obstaclePosition < -20) {
                } else {
           = obstaclePosition - 5 + 'px';
            }, 20);

        function startGame() {
            setInterval(() => {
                if (!gameOver) {
            }, 2000);


How to Play:

  1. Copy the code above and paste it into a new file with a .html extension (e.g., dinosaur_game.html).
  2. Open the file in a web browser.
  3. Press any key to make the dinosaur jump over the obstacles (red blocks).
  4. The score increases with each successful jump.
  5. If the dinosaur collides with an obstacle, the game ends, and an alert displays your score.

Feel free to modify the styles and functionality to enhance the game!

Created By Ruler ThisDawn With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Innovative Jugaad Invention Ideas for Everyday Challenges

Here are some unique and innovative jugaad invention ideas that could address various everyday challenges:

  1. Solar-Powered Water Purifier: A portable water purification system that uses solar energy to heat water, killing bacteria and making it safe to drink. It could be made from recycled materials like plastic bottles and aluminum foil.

  2. Multi-Use Furniture: Design furniture that can serve multiple purposes, such as a coffee table that can be converted into a dining table or a sofa that can transform into a bed. This is especially useful for small living spaces.

  3. Smart Waste Segregator: A simple device that uses sensors to identify and sort waste into recyclables, compost, and landfill. It could be made from inexpensive materials and powered by a small solar panel.

  4. Portable Hydroponic Garden: A compact, mobile hydroponic system that allows urban dwellers to grow their own vegetables and herbs in small spaces, using recycled containers and a simple water circulation system.

  5. DIY Air Quality Monitor: A low-cost air quality monitoring device that uses basic sensors to detect pollutants and provide real-time feedback via a smartphone app. It could be built using Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

  6. Bicycle-Powered Generator: A generator that can be powered by pedaling a bicycle, providing electricity for small devices or lights. This could be particularly useful in areas with limited access to electricity.

  7. Rainwater Harvesting System: A simple, affordable system that collects rainwater from rooftops and stores it for later use. It could be made from barrels and basic plumbing materials, promoting water conservation.

  8. Recycled Plastic Bricks: Develop a method to create durable bricks from recycled plastic waste, which can be used for construction. This could help address plastic pollution while providing affordable building materials.

  9. Smartphone-Powered Medical Diagnostic Kit: A low-cost diagnostic kit that connects to a smartphone to analyze basic health parameters (like blood pressure, glucose levels, etc.) using simple sensors.

  10. Community Tool Library: A local initiative where community members can borrow tools and equipment instead of purchasing them. This promotes sharing, reduces waste, and saves money.

  11. Portable Solar Charger: A foldable solar panel that can charge multiple devices on the go. It could be designed to be lightweight and compact, making it ideal for travelers and outdoor enthusiasts.

  12. Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions: Develop biodegradable packaging made from natural materials like seaweed or mushroom mycelium, which can replace plastic packaging in various industries.

  13. Smart Plant Watering System: A simple device that uses moisture sensors to automatically water plants when the soil is dry, helping to conserve water and ensure plants are well cared for.

  14. Upcycled Clothing Line: Create a fashion line that uses discarded clothing and textiles to make new garments, promoting sustainability and reducing textile waste.

  15. Community Skill-Sharing Platform: An online or offline platform where people can offer and learn skills from each other, fostering community engagement and reducing the need for paid services.

These ideas can be adapted and modified based on local needs and resources, making them practical and impactful solutions for various challenges.

Created By Siddhartha Banerjee With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 preview
Manipulating a Pink Block in Simulation

The provided code snippet outlines a sequence of operations to manipulate a pink block in a simulated environment. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Get Current Positions: The code retrieves the current positions of the pink block and the orange bowl using the get_obj_pos function.

  2. Define Pick and Place Positions:

    • The pick position is set to the current position of the pink block.
    • The place position is defined as a specific location to the left of the orange bowl.
  3. Define Hover Position: A hover position is defined above the pick position, which is slightly elevated (0.2 units above the block).

  4. Move to Hover Position: The robot or agent moves to the hover position above the pink block.

  5. Move to Pick Position: The robot then moves down to the pick position to pick up the pink block.

  6. Pick Up the Pink Block: The activate() function is called to initiate the picking action, followed by a loop that simulates the environment for a certain number of steps (240 in this case) to allow the action to complete.

  7. Return to Hover Position: After picking up the block, the robot moves back to the hover position.

  8. Move to Hover Position Above Place Location: The robot moves to a hover position above the designated place position, which is slightly elevated (0.15 units above the target location).

  9. Move to Place Position: The robot then moves down to the place position, adjusting the height to 0.03 units above the ground.

  10. Release the Pink Block: The release() function is called to drop the pink block at the designated place position, followed by another simulation step loop to ensure the action completes.

  11. Return to Hover Position: Finally, the robot moves back to the hover position after placing the block.


  • Ensure that the get_obj_pos, move_to_position, activate, release, and step_sim_and_render functions are properly defined and implemented in your environment.
  • The positions and heights used in the code should be adjusted based on the specific dimensions and requirements of your simulation environment.
  • The number of simulation steps (240) may need to be adjusted based on the speed of the simulation and the time required for the actions to complete.
Created By 陈青云 With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Gripper Control Code for Object Placement Task

Here's the Python code to control the gripper to complete the task of moving the pink block to the left of the orange bowl while ensuring that no other objects are in the way:

# Get the current position of the pink block and the orange bowl
pink_block_pos = get_obj_pos('pink block')
orange_bowl_pos = get_obj_pos('orange bowl')

# Define the pick and place positions
pick_xyz = np.float32([pink_block_pos[0], pink_block_pos[1], pink_block_pos[2]])
place_xyz = np.float32([-0.21578001081943513, -0.6763027310371399, 0.02])  # Left of the orange bowl

# Define the hover position above the pick position
hover_xyz = np.float32([pick_xyz[0], pick_xyz[1], 0.2])

# Move to hover position above the pink block

# Move to the pick position

# Pick up the pink block
for _ in range(240):

# Move back to the hover position

# Move to the place position above the target location
hover_place_xyz = np.float32([place_xyz[0], place_xyz[1], 0.15])

# Move to the place position with height 0.03
place_xyz[2] = 0.03

# Release the pink block
for _ in range(240):

# Move back to the hover position after placing the block


  1. Get Object Positions: The code retrieves the current positions of the pink block and the orange bowl.
  2. Define Positions: It sets the pick position for the pink block and the target place position to the left of the orange bowl.
  3. Hover Position: A hover position is defined above the pick position to ensure safe movement.
  4. Movement Sequence:
    • The gripper moves to the hover position.
    • It then moves to the pick position to pick up the pink block.
    • After activating the gripper to pick up the block, it returns to the hover position.
    • The gripper then moves to the hover position above the target place position.
    • Finally, it moves down to place the pink block and releases it.
  5. Final Hover: The gripper returns to the hover position after placing the block.

This code ensures that the pink block is moved to the desired location while adhering to the constraints of avoiding other objects.

Created By 陈青云 With OpenAI o1
OpenAI o1 mini
Gripper Control Code for Object Placement Task

Here's the Python code to control the gripper to complete the task of moving the pink block to the left of the orange bowl while ensuring that no other objects are in the way:

# Get the current position of the pink block and the orange bowl
pink_block_pos = get_obj_pos('pink block')
orange_bowl_pos = get_obj_pos('orange bowl')

# Define the pick and place positions
pick_xyz = np.float32([pink_block_pos[0], pink_block_pos[1], pink_block_pos[2]])
place_xyz = np.float32([-0.21578001081943513, -0.6763027310371399, 0.02])  # Left of the orange bowl

# Define the hover position above the pick position
hover_xyz = np.float32([pick_xyz[0], pick_xyz[1], 0.2])

# Move to hover position above the pink block

# Move to the pick position

# Pick up the pink block
for _ in range(240):

# Move back to the hover position

# Move to the place position above the target location
hover_xyz[2] = 0.15  # Adjust height for placing

# Move to the place position with a lower height
place_xyz[2] = 0.03  # Adjust height for placing

# Release the pink block
for _ in range(240):

# Move back to the hover position after placing


  1. Get Object Positions: The code retrieves the current positions of the pink block and the orange bowl.
  2. Define Pick and Place Positions: The pick position is set to the pink block's position, and the place position is set to a location left of the orange bowl.
  3. Hover Position: A hover position is defined above the pick position to ensure safe movement.
  4. Movement Sequence:
    • The gripper moves to the hover position.
    • It then moves to the pick position to pick up the pink block.
    • After activating the gripper to pick up the block, it returns to the hover position.
    • The gripper moves to the place position above the target location.
    • Finally, it moves down to the place position and releases the pink block.
  5. Final Hover: The gripper returns to the hover position after placing the block.

This code ensures that the pink block is moved to the desired location while avoiding collisions with other objects.

Created By 陈青云 With OpenAI o1